Long live Europe, conclusion: think global, act local

Summing up, we arrive at our vision. New social patterns will be sustained by the development of new technologies, that will primarily promote local and regional economic growth. Sustainability is on its way to become a recognised corporate goal, because in a sustainable environment, innovation will accommodate economic growth without negative consequences for the environment and society. Sustainable companies should leave behind the competitive culture and irresponsible risk-taking, and therefore should lend more female influence to the economy. All trends discussed reinforce each other. They can be summed up in the slogan ‘think global, act local’.

All trends combined make up the force of our ‘old’ continent. It is less tuned towards material gain than the US, less towards the production of as many goods as possible in large quantities. But rather towards quality, knowledge, technology and sustainability in an organisation best equipped for those goals. Lending an optimal quality of life to all who participate in society. That is Europe’s force.

The future is to those who tune into and reinforce these healing trends, unimportant as they might seem at first. Europe hosts all the means that it needs to overcome its crisis. It is not the right time to be fashionably sceptical, cynical or defeatist, but on the contrary to engage oneself in reconstruction and renewal.

This article consists of the following paragraphs:
Does the future look grim?
Trend 1. Women will take the lead
Trend 2. Organisations will be founded on trust
Trend 3. New social networks are on the rise
Trend 4. Sustainability as a common goal
Trend 5. Decentralisation of industry in a biobased society
Trend 6. Small-scale energy systems
Trend 7. Europe was, is and will remain one of the most important producers of scientific knowledge in the world
Conclusion: think global, act local

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