Biobased Society becomes Bio Based Press

As of today, the name of our website will be This is a better expression of who we are. Our twitter account was already called @biobasedpress. From now on, we will use this name in all our communications. Our old links and tiles will be changed automatically.

Bio Based Press logoSustainability and innovation
We are journalists. We report on events and reflect on them. Hence the emphasis on ‘press’. At the heart of our activity is and remains ‘Discovering another society through sustainability and innovation’, according to our site’s new subtitle. A discovery, because we human beings will have to develop society as it continues. But we will have to do so with a vision in mind.

We need both: sustainability and innovation, and they are closely connected. For our economy to become sustainable, industry should innovate rapidly – a dimension sometimes overlooked in the public debate. And for innovation to have a future at all, it should be sustainable – a dimension of which politicians and captains of industry should still be better aware. We will always discuss sustainability and innovation together – the one cannot live without the other.

The importance of agro
Proudly we retain the term Bio in the name of our site. We try to convey a message with this term as well. The world should give more attention to the development of a productive and sustainable agriculture. During the past century, society preferred to mine its resources, rather than grow them. But that model now becomes obsolete, because of rising prices and sustainability issues. Consequently, we will have to develop a new vision on agriculture: no longer merely the supplier of food, but also of industrial feedstock. And on agribusiness: no longer merely the supplier of food, but also of chemicals and materials. And those ideas too, still have to make a breakthrough.

The development of a green (biobased) industry is of major importance for the whole world. In developing countries, local communities can liberate themselves from the poverty trap through the development of local biobased industries. And for industrialised countries, knowledge intensive biobased industries are the only opportunity to stay in business and keep on developing. The discovery of a new society through sustainability and innovation concerns us all.

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